Thursday, April 17, 2014

On the road again...

Just can't wait to get on the road again, the life I love is making music with my (love)...

You all know these famous lyrics sung by the timeless Willie Nelson. I've heard this song only about a thousand times and yet now actually reading the lyrics a whole new message come across. Let's examine the lyrics shall we? (I am no way killing time and procrastinating packing, who does that? No! I'm totally prepared to move!)

Goin' places that I've never been.
Seein' things that I may never see again

To be honest as a small town South Dakota girl I never thought I'd visit Vegas very much, let alone live here for a year and a half. Although it's has had it's "Apple Pie In Sky" ups and "Friends in Low Places" lows, it's been a time of learning and growth!

For instance did you know that if you walk just a little further down Fremont East you'll come across this great hole in the wall bar call Atomic Liquors where the drinks are just as cool as the cats who hang there? Or every 1st Friday of the month you can hit up the Arts District and meet local artists, musicians, and every kind of food truck known to man? Not to mention see penguins in August or ride the world's largest ferris wheel?

Or if you get worn out by the city you can simply escape and see some of the greatest wonders of nature just a couple of miles away? Like Red Rock Canyon, Mt. Charleston, or the Valley of Fire. Nature girl nerd alert! Did you know at one time that Nevada used to be part of a vast ocean and when I take a drive along the roads at Lake Mead I imagine what it would be like it it were still ocean, I be pretty far over my head underwater! But I'd bet I'd make a great fish!

And let us not forget all of the interesting people you may meet while you are here. The woman who strategically uses tassles as her only breasticles cover on Fremont, or the amazing cellists who started as "noisy" street performers who now share the Fremont stages with some of the best talent in the world. The neon glitzes you into the past where you recall not all that long ago the mob ran this town. And while the city has had a very colorful past it creating an electric future. Stroll down to East Fremont and see the giant preying mantis while chowing down on BBQ from Earls or Tacos from Pinches in the Container Park.

Although I am not (and probably) never will be used to fast paced city life, my time provided me with the time to immerse self in the ever changing city-to see sights you won't find anywhere else and live life to the fullest, just like tall Elvis, short Elvis, chubby Elvis, and Elvis who isn't Elvis.

Of course part of the experiences here are just the sights and sounds but the people you also meet. I spent the better part of my time here working for Boyd Gaming in Central Room Reservations and all though there were days I would have been elsewhere (because who doesn't have days like that?) I met some of the most amazing people I could have ever worked with. I'm excited to see where my career is headed but I wish all of those ladies and the few gentlemen from the office could go with me. There were days were the politics were thick as sludge but we were in all together and it was a true support system! Honestly I'm not just B-S-ing you here this was the one of two of the best offices I've ever worked in, the other being Argosy of course! Both bought me a going away cake and both cakes were delicious!!!

Room Res, Argosy let's find a way where we can all work together!? Ok? Ok!

And I can't wait to get on the road again.
On the road again -
Like a band of gypsies we go down the highway
We're the best of friends.
Insisting that the world keep turning our way

As Matt and I begin on this next leg of life, the only thing we know for certain is we don't know where the road will take us or how we'll get there. But we'll be doing it together, I can only pray we find jobs with as amazing co-workers as we're leaving. That we'll find success and when times get tough perseverance will prevail.

In a lot of ways I've spent a lot of time growing up in this past year. I once did not believe in myself or that I could, as I get ready to embark I know now that I CAN and I will, because let's face it: I'm Amazing!!! And there will be amazing stories to follow!

Now I know promised this blog would contain Matt and my's funny adventures and I sure it will, but it only felt right to say good-bye first. May our lives never be boring! Until the next entry:

And our way
is on the road again.
Just can't wait to get on the road again.
The life I love is makin' music with my friends

And I can't wait to get on the road again.
And I can't wait to get on the road again...